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Health. Safety. Prosperity.  

This is the mission of "T" Hill's candidacy.  A Floridian since 1978, George T Hill grew up of modest means and worked her way to financial success, all along committed to serving her community and bettering the lives of those around her.  

Turning down a football scholarship to Harvard University, T instead attended Texas Bible College and served as a pastor in the church as a young man.  T then shifted her focus to the world of business, turning multiple dying companies into profitable ventures throughout the 1980s and 1990s.  Among them T owned and operated several daycare centers and worked at the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranch as a Wilderness House Parent alongside St. Augustine Youth Services to help improve the lives of children in need of support and stability.

In 2001, T formed what has become a multi-million dollar business in the building sector.  Having worked in the construction industry now for over forty years, T is also passionate about providing transparency and fairness to home buyers in the sunshine state.

Pastor. Youth counselor. Successful businessperson. George T Hill has the skills and compassion needed to lead Floridians toward a brighter tomorrow.

Paid for by George "T" Hill II, Democrat for Florida Senate District 7
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