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T will stand to improve education of Florida's children, fight to  preserve the beauty of Florida's natural resources, and leave healthcare decision in the hands of people, not politicians.  

FREEDOM means less government in our daily decisions, who and how we worship, and the freedom to feel safe in our communities. T stands for FREEDOM.

Teacher Retention & Recruitment

Since 2019, both teacher retention and recruitment have drastically decreased resulting in a long term teacher shortage crisis. This teacher shortage is resulting in lower student grades and St. Johns County's #1 school district ranking is compromised. Read More

Social Emotional Learning

T supports social-emotional learning (SEL) services in schools. Read More


T supports the freedom to make our own health care decisions.  It is not the job of the government to say that a woman cannot have an abortion. T will vote to take the issue of abortion out of the hands of politicians. Read More

Environmental Protection

T stands for limiting development within the beautiful state of Florida and protecting our natural resources.  T stands for fortifying our infrastructure against the effects of climate change.  Read More

Student Safety

T stands for protecting our students against gun violence by limiting assault weapons and requiring background checks for gun purchases.    Read More


T is tired of all the corruption in politics and won't accept a single penny in donations. T will not be beholden to anyone except the people of Florida. Read More

Paid for by George "T" Hill II, Democrat for Florida Senate District 7
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